Answer: Although written records about medicinal plants dated back at least 5,000 years to the Sumerians, who described well-established medicinal uses for such plants as laurel, caraway, and thyme, archeological studies have shown that the practice of herbal medicine dates as far back as 60,000 years ago in Iraq and 8,000 years ago in China
PRACTICA : Los verbos en el PRESENTE
C) Write sentences in Spanish telling who does what activity at what time.
Answer C1 : Tu madre enseña a las tres y cuarto.
Answer C2 : Javier y Roberto leen a las tres menos 5.
Answer C3 : Cecilia y yo escribimos a las siete y veinticinco.
Answer C4 : Tú y yo corremos a las nueve y media.
D) Contesta las preguntas con la forma correcta del verbo.
1. ¿Cuándo cenas tú?
Answer D1 : Yo ceno después de la escuela en casa.
2. ¿Qué escriben ustedes?
Answer D2 : Nosotros escribimos cartas a nuestros abuelos.
3. ¿Cuándo toca la guitarra Miguel?
Answer D3 : Él toca los sábados por la noche.
4. ¿Qué enseñas, Marcos?
Answer D4 : Yo enseño español e italiano.
Hope this helps!
I guess you mean "tie". Is: corbata.
The tie is a garment that serves as a complement to the shirt, which consists of a strip, generally made of silk or another material that is tied or tied around the neck, dropping its ends, for aesthetic purposes. It is generally for male use.
Tie in Spanish, it would look like this: corbata.
it can be long (tie) or short (bow) , but bow are called "corbata de moño"
Me comí una hamburguesa y además unas patatas
dios sabra wn pol que te imaginas mrk yo de vaina se espanol wn