Long was elected to be the Louisiana Senator in 1932 and served in the Senate until he was assasinated in 1935.
Panic and disbelief and astonishment.
Many people were on margin (that's when you put your stock up for security and the bank makes you a loan to buy more stock. Effectively the bank owns the stock).
"Everybody's doing it. You can make scads of money doing it."
When the market crashed, in many cases it took everything you yur had. Those who knew what was going on panicked. Some jumped owt windows. I good remainder when this happened was roughly 20%
Those how didn't know what was going on phoned their brokers who likely told them to hang on -- this was only a correction. Other brokers advised they sell which only intensified the selling pressure. There was no way out. People who don't understand margin should never use it.
Many banks closed their doors. If you want to watch a movie on the subject, you should watch A Wonderful Life. It's a classic. Every library has it or can get it for you.
D. the country's navy uses imported wood and steal to built its ships..!
im not sure about my answer
ihope it will help you dear ♡ :)
Option 2
<--> symbol means you must interchange (swap) Row 1 and Row 2. This means you must switch the two rows where row 1 (-1 1 2 | 7) takes place of row 2 (-3 2 1 | 4) and vice versa.
He established the custom of using the heads of various departments for his personal advisers," since this created the idea of a "cabinet"