Option A, The Bonus Army was attacked with tear gas.
The US Army, commanded by MacArthur, Patton, and Eisenhower, targeted WWI soldiers on July 28, 1932, with tanks, bayonets, and tear gas. The service members of World War I belonged to a bonus army that came to Washington. To order the wartime rewards offered.
The Army was then instructed by president Herbert Hoover to the body block of marchers. General Douglas MacArthur, Press secretary of the Army, controlled the infantry and troops of six tanks With their spouses and children, the Bonus Army marchers were forced out and their tents and possessions were burned.
Although it was named ' the grave ' bonus, ' the service members were satisfied with the requirement that the bonus could be paid immediately on the soldier's death. Economic relaxation wanted the upfront payment of the bonus.
If you’re talking about To Kill a Mockingbird:
The rabied dog was killed by Atticus when the sheriff asked him to take the shot. Atticus was against guns and taught his children that guns were not needed. The children however, found out that Atticus was a very good shot in his childhood, this is the reason why he was asked to take the shot. When he shot the dog, he overcame his problem with guns, and showed courage to even shoot the gun. When mrs Dubous died, the courage was shown through both of the children, especially Scout since she did not need to go to the house with her brother every day. After her death, the children learned that Atticus only made them go to her house after school everyday because he knew she was going to die and she deserved to have someone by her side when it happened. So even though the children were scared of her, they faced their fears to help her enjoy her last few days on earth.
A. Jabeen's father wants his daughter to have a respectable, lucrative career.B. Jabeen's father is extremely disappointed in her for not living up to his ...