Answer: I believe the answer is B - Nucled Acids.
Hope this helps.
converted into fat and stored in adipose tissue
When protein is taken in excess amount, because it cannot be stored in the body, it can be broken down to amino acids, which is further used as carbon skeletons to synthesize fats, which is then further stored in the adipose tissues.
When the body is not receiving enough calories from other nutrient sources like carbohydrates and fats, the available protein is the used as energy to meet the body's energy demands, by converting it to fat.
Note that, excess intake of protein can be harmful to the body.
Vainas sinoviales tendinosas
Las vaina tendinosas o vainas sinoviales son mangas de tejido de protección que se encuentran alrededor de las articulaciones o rodean a los tendones. Estas vainas permiten que los tendones se deslicen suavemente, produciendo un líquido (líquido sinovial) que mantiene al tendón lubricado. De este modo, las vainas tienen como función evitar el roce entre el tendón y el hueso. Las vaina tendinosas conforman un revestimiento de dos capas: una interna unida al tendón y una externa de tejido conectivo.
Cohesive. This means that the water is attracted to other particles of itself, so they stick and bead up.
1. Growth
2. Tumor
3. Body