Not sure what you need to include in your answer but i will give my opinion.
In my opinion congressional members should be elected based on the popular vote, if a member is more popular and prefered than another member then they should be the one elected.
For example in the presidental election there is a system called electorial college, bigger states have bigger numbers to win. In the election they must have 170 points to win. This is an unfair advantage because if a canadidate has only had a small percentage more votes than the other popular canadidate then that's unfair and the canadidate who is not popular gets ahead even by a small margin of votes.
I'm assuming this is opinion based but hope it helps.
The republicans believed it was a failure
1. Nob: second place where tabernacle rested in Canaan
1 Samuel 21:1-9
2. Ithamar: son of Aaron who faithfully served god as priest
Numbers 3:4
3. Zerubbabel: leader under whom the second temple was built
Ezra 5:2
4. Levi: tribe that was separated for holy service
Numbers 3:12; 8:16
5. Mt. Zion: place where ark was set up within curtains
2 Samuel 6:2;16
6. Nathanael: doubted that anything good could come from Nazareth
John 1:46
7. Jesus: said i am the good shepherd
John 10:11
8. Abihu: priestly son of Aaron who offered strange fire
Levitic 10:1
9. Gabriel: referred to Jesus as a holy thing
Luke 1:26-32
10. Shiloh: first place where tabernacle rested in Canaan
Joshua 18:1
History as common memory.
Option: (A)
- Some of the events that are associated with the history may not be documented but that are existing for a series of generation through the means of stories and beliefs about the events in the past.
- This is called as history as a common memory. The stories can be manipulated easily and the original form of the story is hard to track.
- This can be important for creating the sense of individual identity and values of a certain community.