1. lava cooled over several years it forms fertile soil good for growing of some crops like cotton
2. volcanic features are good tourists attractions brings in foreign currency
3. precious stones like diamond and copper are found at volacanic sites
4. water heated at volcanic sites supply homes and industries saving alot of money ethermal energy
The invention of the steam engine and the construction of steel bridges to carry trains across various physical features led to ever-increasing demand for the materials and labor to build more trains and tracks
Chapter 11 AP HUG quiz. Thank me later.
Supervolcanoes are different from normal volcanoes. They aren't recognisable by a conical shape that you would imagine a volcano to be. These volcanoes form calderas which are huge craters in the ground after previous eruptions, which are so large that they are often only noticeable from the air above
In the Middle Ages, spices that are now ordinary were rare imports from faraway places.
The central idea of the text can be defined by the excerpt above.
The text is explaining the process that Italian merchants had to go through in order to carry a expensive spice (pepper) from Syria to the fairs of Champagne, in France.
This is because spices were a very well-regarded and expensive product that could only be afforded by the wealthy at the time, since shipping methods at the time were primitive (slow ships, camels), raising the cost of these products to levels that would be hard to imagine today.
I think is Asia, but I could be wrong
(but it probably is so yei)