"form a more perfect union" Create a nation where states work together. ...
"establish justice" Make laws and courts that are fair. ...
"Ensure domestic tranquility" ...
"Provide for the common defense" ...
"Promote the general welfare" ...
"Secure the blessings of liberty"
Early in the twentieth century rapid economic and technological change increasing competition among powerful states.
US government's authority comes from the consent of the people it governs.Governments are instituted among men,deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
The Germans felt called out and that they were unfairly accused. The treaty led to their economic downfall and their need for a strong leader to bring them back up was prevalent. this is how Hitler gained power.
The Europeans were forcefully snatching African's to be transported to the America's for slavery which existed from the 16th century to the 19th century.
The African's GETTING snatched had no say so whatsoever whether or not they could stay or leave. No matter the choice they had to go.