Fish are a great pet to have. They are fun to watch as they swim around the tank you put them in. Although fish tanks, heaters, filters, and other supplies aren't super cheap, the best part, the fish, are not very expensive at all. And the more you get into it the better it becomes. You may start with a 3-gallon tank and end up with a 20-gallon tank.
A verb is a a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence.
Thomas Paine wrote his pamphlet Common Sense argumentatively. First published anonymously, he used his words to spark a revolution against Great Britain, and to inspire Americans to fight for an egalitarian form of government, which treats each citizen fairly and equally regardless of who they are, where they’ve been, and where they’re going in life.
B.the use of public baths as a sort of spa or relaxing therapeutic vacation