Stable acting government and industry, in which the government protects and provides basic support and a just judicial system with practical set of laws, and the industry is not extremely restricted; allowed to flourished and better the economy of a society. These two elements of a civil society determine whether or not a country is strong as much as prosperous.
Hunting and gathering
Most native Americans gathered amd obtained food by gathering fruits/vegetables and hunting animals that were plentiful in the surrounding area, for instance buffalos
American Indian Tribes in and around Washington have invested in the state and their own community through; Tribal governments and their enterprises
Washington State has 29 federally recognized Indian tribes. The tribes have tribal governments improve the lives of both Indians and non-Indians through collection of revenue from gaming and other tribal enterprises. The tribal gaming money enters the Washington economy to generate money in tax revenues for local and state government. In addition to that, the money is used to create jobs and business opportunities for all people of Washington. It aids in paying for housing, health care, public security, transport and environmental resource programs.