Answer: The aunt wants the bachelor to learn his lesson, but she learns hers instead.
Bertha thinks that it is good to win medals for goodness, but the medals get her killed.
- She thought that the story that is told to the kids is not good for them. After that, she told him that the years of good teaching are wasted. We can see an irony in the text because her teaching was bad even with good methods. She didn't know to entertain the children so the bachelor did it much better than her. That is why she learns the lesson instead of him.
- Another answer that is correct is also having irony because the medals got her in the trouble. She was very proud because of those medals and she wore them all the time. She wore them on her and the medals were producing a sound so when she slipped into the bushes, the wolfs were knowing were she was hiding.
We all believe that the survival girl is better then A.
Just took a quiz and I had to answer this question. I got a 95% and the correct answer is: Root.
Good luck!!
Happy studying!!
The number doubles every month so it'd be 32 in May, 64 in June, 128 in July, 256 in August, 512 in in September, 1024 in October, 2048 in November and 4096 in December! Adding that all together will equal 8190, I believe.