Most likely dictatorship, but old monarchies used to be that way, they are have since ended absolute monarchy.
More silver coins.
The People’s Party was organized for the purposes of representing the common folk especially farmers against the entrenched interests of railroads, bankers, processes, corporations, and the politicians in league with such interests. The People’s Party supported fighting deflation by circulating More silver coins. Deflation is a fall in general prices It normally happens either when the growth of the economy outpaces the growth of the money supply;or the drop in the money supply outpaces the contraction of the economy.
guaranteeing the full rights of u.s citizenship for black
granted citizenship to all persons born or natural I zed in the u.s including former enslaved people and guaranteed all citizens equal protection of the laws
it is 7:09am and iiuuum tiredd i neeeeeed sllllleeeeepppp