The - <em>definite article</em>
Storm - <em>noun</em>
Remains -<em> verb</em> (to remain means to<em> stay</em> in the same manner or in the same condition; continue to exist. But it is formal). The storm <em>continues being</em> a threat to the coastal village.
A -<em> indefinite article</em>
Threat -<em> noun</em>
To -<em> preposition</em>
The - <em>definite article</em>
Coastal - <em>adjective</em>
Village - <em>noun.</em>
A parliamentary procedure has so many rules so as to carry out its main goal of reaching the best decision without bias.
If motions are brought up and are directly recognized without rules, do you think everything will be deliberated properly?
The organization strictly follow parliamentary procedure in order to reach a group decision with the least conflict. Therefore, everything can be narrowed down to "peace and order".
It's all for peace and order.
Answer: Other scientists did not take rockets seriously.