I would vote for the democratic party
This is because democracy is a better party than republican. Democracy is power for the people but republican is not
A bottle, a tag, and a T-shirt will be given to the participants.
Lyddie doesn't sign the petition, because she is afraid of the consequences of that action. By signing the petition, she would publicly be associating with it and those workers. She runs the risk of being fired from her current job and blacklisted from the other mills. Lyddie cannot let that happen. She desperately needs the paycheck in order to pay back the debt that her family owes.
The definition of circum means around or about.
prefix with the meaning “round about, around,” found in Latin loanwords, especially derivatives of verbs that had the general senses “to encompass or surround” (circumference; circumjacent; circumstance) or “to go around” by the means or in the manner specified by the verb (circumnavigate; circumscribe)
Look below
1. It must've been difficult for John to never have spent his money. I know I could never do that. John seems like a very hardworking guy who puts his head down and gets to work, and I respect him for that.
2. John is quite rude for not lending any money to anyone, even if it was his friends or family asking for it. Obviously, John has a lot of money by now and he still won't even give up a dollar to help someone out. If you don't use your money, might as well not have any at all.