<span>The correct answer is D. The word "trap" refers to pride. In these lines, Beowulf is being warned. He is told to "beward of that trap," and "Do not give way to pride." Beowulf is warned that his strength will not last forever; ultimately, he will grow weak and old, or he will be injured. Either way, his strength is not something he will always have -- therefore, he must not become so proud that he forgets he is human. </span>
Jonas feels conflicted about disobeying the rules he has been taught. At school, the other Twelves are all talking about their new Assignments. Fiona tells Jonas there is a lot she didn't know about the House of the Old, like how they use a discipline wand on the Old just as they do on children.
Marullus seems to sense that by entering into this civil disorder he is committing a crime. This fear foreshadows what happens. In Act 1, Scene ii, Casca tells Cassius and Brutus that the tribunes Marullus and Flavius, Caesar's political enemies, have been caught disrobing the statues. They have been put to silence.
The introduction I would say because in your introduction you use a grabber which should grab the attention of your readers. But also maybe your first body paragraph... it all just kind of depends on how YOU want to structure your essay.
Espccially. is misspelt. hope it helped