In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that the constitution is the supreme law of the land and that the courts have the power of judicial review. Another principle established by John Marshall was that a loose view of the constitution is legal.
The sepoy revolt/mutiny failed because rebel sepoys had simply declared a Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah II as the Emperor of India and the symbol of the revolt. Besides this fact though, there were multiple leaders at different storm centres of the revolt and each one of them were all fighting against the British for their own reasons and not one single cause.
Alexander Hamilton was known to openly support Various forms of Federalist polciies, which are backed by bankers and wealthy businessmen.
At that time, the majority people in the north were influenced with anti-federalist ideology, so they would pretty much disagree with or even despise Hamilton's policies.
Dictaduras militares.
Dictaduras unipartidistas.
Dictaduras personalistas.
Dictaduras monárquicas.
Dictaduras híbridas.
Dictadores en la República Romana.
Caudillos latinoamericanos del siglo XIX.
Dictaduras fascistas del siglo XX.
wealthy Romans, Women ran their householdsand bought and trained the family's slaves. many wanted money of their own and were active in. business often they bought and sold property.
poor Romans-Plebeians were the lower class,often farmers. in rome who mostly worked the land owned by the patricians.