1), Diverticulitis
2) Lack of Lactase
3) Bacterial infections
-Diverticulitis is a condition in which the diverticula become inflamed. This woman has diverticulitis due to the inflammation of her diverticula.
-Lack of lactase (lactose intolerance); add lactase drops to milk before drinking it.
-Appendicitis is caused by bacteria infection. If untreated, bacterial proliferation may cause the appendix to rupture, resulting in contamination of the peritoneal cavity with feces and life-threatening peritonitis.
Chromosomes are Inherited From Your Parents. One chromosome from each of your 23 pairs came from each of your parents. The two chromosomes of a pair (except for the sex chromosomes) contain the same genes, but the genes have small differences. Things like SNPs make each copy of a gene uniquely Mom's or Dad's.
<span> esta a dizer que o citoplasma é um gel -como substância espessa . Ele liquefaz Quando é agitado ou agitado . Citoplasma se refere é o citoplasma , que significa substância da célula. Este nome descreve, o citoplasma é a substância de vida , o citoplasma serve como uma sopa molecular , é no citoplasma , onde todos os organelos celulares são suspensas e estão ligadas entre si por uma membrana de bicamada lipídica .</span>
0-4 degrees Celsius, below which bacteria grow very slowly. This is the same as refrigerator temperature.
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