Traits of low-tension relationship:
- Less to almost no expectation to the members of the group
- Meet very little to almost no resistance from other people outside the group member
- The hierarchy within the group does not necessarily give the leader with authoritative power toward the members.
All of these traits exist in organizations such as church or study groups.
Traits of high-tension relationship:
- Members of the groups usually required to meet a certain set of requirement by the group
- Meet a really high resistance from other people outside the group
- Hierarchy within the group usually give the leaders with overwhelming power toward the members of the group.
Examples of organizations that have this tension would be sect and terrorist organizations.
The correct answer is delusions.
Delusions refer to<span> erroneous or unfounded beliefs that are fixed and firmly held by an individual despite a lack of clear evidence supporting these beliefs. In this instance, Delmar's beliefs are incorrect, yet he is strongly convinced of them despite an logic or clear evidence supporting his claims. Another form of delusion is believing that aliens roam Earth without any evidence supporting this belief. </span>
there are multiple ways in which it can affect u they diceiede what goes where and who gets it
D. a game in which players act in rational, selfminusinterested ways that leave everyone worse off
The prisoners dilemma involves the idea that both people would act in self interests, but this self interests would not help the other one or the group to have a better outcome, so people is acting in detriment of the society or the other participant, it often happens that both people chose to protect themselves damaging the other person, and thus since both had choosen that option both are worse off after it.
Gene is taking a Piagetian approach, while Fred is a proponent of the behaviorist approach.
Piaget's approach and studies centers on the fact that a child goes trough certain <em>cognitive stages,</em> in which a development occurs. These are:
- Sensorimotor Stage.
- Preoperational Stage.
- Concrete Operational Stage.
- Formal Operational Stage.
Meanwhile, a behaviorist approach centers on the fact that what matters is <em>what we can see</em> which is the behavior, instead of only creating speculation about the mind since it is <em>not tangible. </em>