Because at any given time the soviets could set the missiles off and attack the US from all sides and we would have no way to stop it. It would also be attacking some of the most important places in the US
When, in 1957, the Gold Coast became the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to gain its independence from colonial rule, it renamed itself Ghana in honor of the long-gone empire.
They all believe in one God, their holy book derives from the Torah somewhat, they generally have the same ethics (don’t kill, don’t steal etc.)
However, Jews are still waiting for a messiah, Christians are waiting for the Messiah Jesus to come again, and Muslims are a bit of a mix, Messianism is alien to Sunni Islam but it is a central belief in Shia Islam.
The central idea of the Ten Commandments are rules set out to guide the daily life and practices of humans