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Julius Caesar crafted an alliance with Marcus Licinius Crassus and Pompey to form the First Triumvirate and challenge the power of the Roman Senate. After Crassus's death, Caesar led his army into Italy, defeated Pompey, and claimed the title of dictator.
According to Frederick Jackson Turner, the change of a stable and civilized way of life in European cities, towards the change of life in the prairies, in wild territory, produced in the Colonists an emergence of the adventurous spirit, full of a new vitality , and formed that American spirit so different from the British. This meant that independence was necessary to develop self-sufficiency and individualism, to advance in a frontier and wild territory. However, over the years, he changed his point of view, and thought that it was necessary to return to a systematized and organized way of life, to ensure that resources would last.
It was Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who were convicted of giving U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. This was considered to be a very high form of treason.
Fidel Castro was a dictator of cuba, but his "official" title was prime minister. he overthrew the Cuban government which is why he is considered a dictator (and he has all the power).