"God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile" - Max Lucado
Hey there mate :)
To do - Fill in the blanks.
Answer -
In his description of Kublai Khan's palace, Marco Polo said : "Kublai Khan's court is an unbelievable scene for European eyes. The huge central palace has a dining hall for 6,000 people; gold and silver jewels the inside of its walls. On New Year's Day, the Khan recieves presents from his subjects. Many water canals are present around the palace and in the capital city Beijing. A great many people make silk clothes."
"Birches" is a poem written by Robert Frost where he explores the pleasure of childhood in the new rural England. In this poem, the author shows a sense of tranquility that is reached with rural life. furthermore, it shows how nature implies a sense of happiness and unconcern.
Charlie thinks lunchtime is the worse because he always sits alone.