The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. Students begin at the starting line. Once the test begins, the running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear the signal (beep). A single lap (length of the basketball court), should be completed when you hear this signal (ding). The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Las diferentes ramas industriales son las siguientes. Primero, lo que se conoce como la industria básica. Luego, la industria manufacturera y la industria de la transformación. Cuando hablamos de la industria básica estamos hablando de las empresas que se encargan de extraer la materia prima y los recursos naturales, como lo hacen las empresas petroquímicas o las que extraes los metales y minerales de la tierra. Cuando se han extraído los materiales, se mandan a fábricas para que los transformen en productos. Ahí es donde entra la industria de la transformación, que convierte los recursos naturales en textiles. Finalmente la industria manufacturera fabrica la ropa que nos ponemos todos los días. O cualquier otro producto de consumo público.
La importancia de estas industrias es que son vitales para la vida económica de un país. Si no existieran, no habría forma de transformar la materia prima o recursos naturales en los productos que usamos todos los días.
i have seen you to much you must have alot if work
In the socialist systems the state shares economic control with private enterprise.
The socialist systems are systems where the economy is of mixed type. This is due to the transitional nature of the socialist system, so it has elements of both the system from which it is moving away, and from the system toward it is striding to. In general, it is traditional or market economy from which this system is moving away and transforms into communism, though there are few exceptions that are in the opposite manner.
While the private enterprises are allowed to exist and prosper, there are some limitations, as they are often obligated to be business partners with the state and have to stick to the state's rules. Also, the state is a powerful player on the market, owning and controlling the most important resources and infrastructure.