Invention is a new process, method or technology. Its aim at solving a particular problem.
The cause-and-effect relationship with Invention. Most inventions are made for a purpose, some inventions comes in form of modification of the existing one and some are entirely new. If an invention is able to meet the demand and satisfy the needs for which it was made then it has a good cause-and-effect relationship and it could be the beginning of it
on the other hand, if an invention is not addressing any problem then its marks the beginning of its failure.
A root word has no prefix or suffix and is the most basic part of a word. The prefix of the word 'unreasonable' is 'un'. The root word is 'reasonable.'
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Activism is the different efforts made to make changes in society for the greater goods. Efforts like political, economic, or environmental reform and more are what help towards the changes.
3.pronoun case
12. And I
15.him and her
16. I