Which part of the urinary system is shared with the reproductive system in males? Well, the (urethra) conducts urine for the urinary system and semen for the reproductive system in males.
The answer is urethra
The primary function of glucose is to serve as a biological fuel source for the body. All cells of the body are capable of using glucose to generate energy. Through a series of complex biochemical reactions, the breakdown
Can certain diseases be hereditary?
Are genetic disorders passed though DNA?
Can we predict certain diseases based on certain chromosomes?
Answer: As in other higher vertebrates, the frog body may be divided into a head, a short neck, and a trunk (see Vertebrates). The flat head contains the brain, mouth, eyes, ears, and nose. A short, almost rigid neck permits only limited head movement. The stubby trunk forms walls for a single body cavity, the coelom.