Women would react more to the threat of emotional infidelity
Men report they would react more to threat of sexual infidelity
If one person in a relationship has sex with someone else, this is known as infidelity. It does not matter whether emotions are attached or not (Sexual Infidelity). Furthermore, one partner developing a close relationship with an external person is also called infidelity; whether there is no physical intimacy involved (Emotional Infidelity). In forced choice question, men are said to react more to the first scenario, while women react more to second scenario.
Michael would argue that Ramses the Second died of causes that are not to be known as it is impossible to figure them out.
Bruno Latour is known for his work in the studies in the filed of science and technology studies. However, his study of the practice of science was indeed at one time associated with the post truth and social constructionist movements and approaches.
Michael to take a constructionist stance would be to assume that it is impossible for such a statement to be made regarding an ancient King on the basis of meager evidence for his tuberculosis.
So he would insist that it cannot be known how he died.
Plato was a famous philosopher who believed that the soul operates on three levels of reason, will, and desire which is successed when they all function in consensus. he also believed that the soul is dissociable from the body; the immortality of the soul.
-hope this helps
A baby starts hearing the sounds of the mother's body at around 18 weeks during pregnancy. At around 26 weeks the baby can listen to sounds outside the womb. At this stage, the baby is able to distinguish between the mother's voice and other sounds. This takes place in the uterus.
Hence, babies can identify the voice of their mother immediately after they are born.
FURTUM, "theft," is one of the four kinds of delicts which were the foundation of obligationes; it is also called "crimen." Moveable things only could be the objects of furtum; for the fraudulent handling (contrectatio fraudulosa) of a thing was furtum, and contrectatio is defined to be "loco movere.