Answer: D The dark lake represents the evil of Grendel's mother, thus contrasting with the goodness of the Danes.
Beowulf is a warrior from Geatland who came to rescue the Danes from a monster known as Grendel who had been terrorizing the kingdom every night. Beowulf manages to kill Grendel but is then confronted by Grendel's mother who even though less powerful than her son, is a tougher opponent as she is full of revenge.
Beowulf goes underwater to fight her in a cave at the bottom of a dark lake and upon defeating her, a light shines into the cave. This was meant to imply that Grendel's mother was the evil that had been keeping the cave in darkness but now that she was defeated the light could now come in.
He uses a previous status of African Americans as evidence.
The reason Judge Taney's arguments are ineffective is because he uses a previous status of African Americans as evidence which is not admissible because it is a previous status and not a current one.
Judge Taney wants to derive the and make certain the status of African Americans and how it is translated according to the Constitution to ascertain the rights and privileges they should enjoy which rendered his arguments ineffective.
Yes the answer is regular