<span>A. the cute beagle with floppy ears; renames dog
swimming bird would be things like penguins and perching birds are birds that perch
The theme of this passage is Junk food is harmful to health and so it should only be eaten sometimes.
Regular consumption of junk food not only leads to weight gain but can also affect our cardiovascular health and cause more serious complications.
For this reason, the text seeks to inform how frequent consumption of junk food is bad for health. It is okay to eat from time to time, but we must give priority to healthy foods that avoid problems in our body.
This soliloquy in act III scene I is one of the most famous speeches in all of Shakespeare's works: "to be, or not to be? That is the question."
The words in this speech inticate that Hamlet is considering death as a very positive option specially because of everything that he is going through. Moreover, he talks about how meaningless life can be.
Aside from that, throughout these words we can see how Hamlet constantly hesitates and overthinks his actions, this issue is present all throughout the play.
The first line sets the topic of this speech which is connected with whether it is worth living or not. Is it worth all the suffering that we go through in life?
The following seven lines consider death to be like sleeping ( and dreaming) and therefore it becomes a very interesting option, although it is still very uncertain everything that happens around death. "To sleep - perchance to dream- ay...there's the rub" Hamlet says. So what he is saying is, what if dying is the same as sleeping? if so, then we have the chance to dream, but the answer is unknown, so there's the problem, we don't know for sure.
The last three lines of this speech reflect upon the fact that life is a torture because of this uncertainty that we have regarding what happens after life.
Mon in Greek generally means one or single. Monotonous itself really means monotone in English.