A year before the Pilgrims made their famed journey to New England, signing the “Mayflower Compact” and thus inaugurating so many of the myths that we believe about our democratic origins, a very different ship disembarked in that older English colony to the south, Jamestown. Aug. 20, 1619, marked the arrival of 20 enslaved Africans in English North America, “bought for victuale … at the best and easiest rate they could” as recorded by the tobacco planter John Rolfe (Pocahontas’s husband), some 15 months before the Mayflower supposedly landed near Plymouth Rock.
he had public support to continue his social programs.
During 1964, Lyndon Baines Johnson was elected as the president after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. He wanted to improve the standard of the living of the African Americans. The African Americans were kept under delusion and were prohibited to cast their voting rights. They were restricted to give their votes. After the passing of the Voting Rights Act under the presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson, the Blacks were not provided with the equal rights. President Johnson believed that the act would give him the support from the public.
sorry but this belongs to a report
You nedd to swith the last one and the third one around i think
Expenditures - Money spent on goods, services or programs.
Privatization - Moving businesses from government-owned to privately owned.
Revenue - Money earned.
Supply and Demand - Economic theory used do determine a product's price.
Inflation - prices rise and value of money falls.
The Fed - Regulates financial system
Capitalism - Economic system in which individuals invest in the economy.
Consumer- someone who buys goods and services.
Embargo - halt on trade.
Sanctions - goverment penalties on foreign countries
Hope this helps. :)