D. Rule of law
States that all people in a country, regardless of rank or status, should be held to the same legal standards.
A voter fraud is a nonprofit working on voter registration, defines voter fraud as the “ intentional corruption of the electoral process by the voter .” It’s when a voter knowingly blows off the American principle of “one person, one vote” in an effort to influence an election.
The Germans used mustard gas for the first time during war in 1917. They outfitted artillery shells and grenades with mustard gas that they fired in the vicinity of the troop target.
They came from Southern and Eastern Europe.
The modern Civil Rights Movement is often marked as beginning with the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision banning school segregation or the day in 1955 when Rosa Parks refused to move from a bus seat in Montgomery, AL and ends with the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act or with the assassination of Dr.