If you have to form a sentence:
Vous commencez des études supérieures.
Explanation: We need to see a picture of your writing because
if we don't we can't determine so this question is not able to answer from us
Sorry wish i could give you an example
But their is first-person, second-person and third-person
But first-person includes words like "I" "Me" "My"
second-person "you" "your"
third-person "she/he" "her/his"
1. Avons nour un dictionnaire? Oui, nous avons un dictionnaire.
Est-ce que vous parlez Espagnol? Oui, je parle Espagnol.
2. Luc est-il diplômé? / Luc a-t-il un diplôme? Non, Luc n'est pas diplômé./ Non, Luc n'a pas de diplôme.
3. Montrent-elles le vide? Non, elles ne montrent pas le vide. (blanck = vide)
4. Avez-vous des copains? Oui, j'ai des copains.
Hope you've understand
Who is the current president of France?
François Hollande
<span>How many regions does France have (including those overseas)?
12 regions in metropolitan France, plus Corsica, and five regions overseas (including Mayotte department which also has the skills of a region and the unique communities of Guyana and Martinique)</span>
From where did the French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, originate?<span>Naissance : </span><span>15 août 1769, Ajaccio
</span><span>Who is Astérix le Gaulois?
Is a fictional character the titular hero of the French comic book series The Adventures of Asterix.
Ce sont les crayons
Bye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!<33