Well lets say one might want to stay fit, and loose weight. The temptation of eating junk food like chocolate will lead them away from their goal and add weight instead of loosing it.
Trying to understand the feelings of others is a form of courage.
'The Hobbit' is a novel written by J. R. R. Tolkien. The novel is about the quest of Bilbo Baggins.
In Chapter 5, Riddles in the Dark, of book 'The Hobbit', Bilbo met Gollum in the cave. Gollum was a small slimy creature, who lived alone in the caves and preyed upon fish and goblins. Gollum was the master of the invisible ring.
After Bilbo found the invisible ring, he put it on to run away from the cave without being seen by goblins. But Gollum smelled Bilbo and tried to stop his way. At this point, Bilbo, who was invisible, spared Gollum's life, who tried to harm him, because he considered it to be unfair as he was invisible and Gollum without sword. Then he began understand the situtation of Gollum, who lived a miserably alone life in cave, therefore, he leaped over Gollum and left the cave.
This action reveals the theme that trying to understand other's feeling is a form of courage. Therefore, option A is correct.
One way literature affected history was before the American Civil War. The book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe caused the start of the American Civil War. Slavery wasn't a big deal until Harriet wrote this book. Abraham Lincoln the 16th president, confronted Harriet about the book. He spoke to her about it and he realized that slavery has to be stopped. The south refused. The Civil War started.
Literature can lead up to conflict or hatred between others, It can cause wars, street fights, and arguments. Literature can give people the right or wrong idea. Positive literature puts people on track to the right side of things. Negative literature would throw them off to believe the wrong thing.
An example of literature affecting history is our current presidency. But, we're not gonna go into detail about that. :)
Hopefully i helped!
What World or phrase best describes or summarizes jefferson's opinión of the main subject