Since the information provided in "Nobel Prize in Literature Press Release" comprises from Gabriel García Marquez' early years as a writer as well as his political, social and economic contexts to some of his influences for writing, the best title for a journalist to write an article is answer:
b. "Nobel Prizes of 1982: Gabriel García Márquez".
This title does not reduce the focus of information to just one aspect of García Márquez life such as his influences, origins or writing genre; it allows to increase the reader's interest in what did Gabriel do in his life to win a Nobel Prize.
He used riddling to talk to Smaug I think because he wanted to stall and waste time as he figured out a plan. He also used riddles to talk to Golem who he clearly was trying to stall to save himself as Golem wanted to kill and eat Bilbo. So it is a reoccurring theme of Bilbo and it makes sense.