Vegetable: celery, Spinach, Eggplant
Meats: Meatballs,chicken,Fish,Steak
Fruits:pineapple, watermelon,
Juice: OJ
Extras :Magazine, Breadcrumbs,flour,paper towels,cookies, sandwich,toilet paper,fries,chips,
This Is how I write out my grocery list hopefully this helps you
From the original task to reading for information.
Luma offers to meet Jeremiah’s mom and drive Jeremiah to and from practice. 4
Jeremiah tries out for the soccer team. 1
Jeremiah is not allowed to play soccer because his mother does not want him around strangers. 3
Jeremiah makes the team. 2
Jeremiah’s mother agrees to the plan. 5
This evidence is I am pretty sure on page 157, it also describes Judge Taylor