I'll tell you. M' father, Pip, he were given to drink, and when he were overtook with drink, he hammered away at my mother, most unmerciful. It were a'most the only hammering he did, indeed, 'xcepting at myself. And he hammered at me with a wigour only to be equalled by the wigour with which he didn't hammer at his anwil. - You're a-listening and understanding, Pip?"
In this excerpt, the action of "hammering"
hope this helps
Answer: Dialogue is essential because It makes passages more exciting and engaging while also providing the reader with vital details about the plot. In some cases, it is necessary, depending on a writer’s chosen perspective, and in others, it is just a bonus.
Explanation: hope this helps :)
Answer: They bring the man water and lie about going to the police. They discover that the well is deeper than it looks They tell the man their names and give him water.
1. The novel, "Oliver Twist" was written by Charles Dickens.
2. Uncle Franks' garden contained onions, eggplants, and zucchini last year.
3. "I don't have anything to put in the yard," Charlotte complained to John.