Bt corn is a genetically modified organism that contains a gene of bacteria known as Bacillus thuringiensis.
- Bt corn is a type of transgenic crop that contains a gene which produces a crystal-like protein which has an insecticidal effect.
- This gene is present in bacteria. This gene is transferred to the plant by the recombinant DNA technology and genetic engineering.
- This bacterium is a soil bacterium which has no side effects on humans.
- Due to use of this technology, the poisonous chemical insecticides are not used in crop production.
Genes for the resistance to antibiotics are usually located on plasmids.
The phrase trophic level means<u>, level on food chain.</u>
- A trophic level refers to the Organism's position in the food chain.
- It is simply a feeding level in the food chain.
- In a food chain, Primary producers form the first trophic level, followed by primary consumers (herbivores), then secondary consumer (carnivore) and so on.
- The number of trophic level varies in different ecosystem.
- Usually, an aquatic ecosystem has more trophic levels than a terrestrial ecosystem
The answers are b) Disinfection can occur by physical or chemical mean, c) Disinfectants are used to inhibit or destroy pathogens, d)Endospores and viruses can resist disinfectant treatment and e)Disinfection can be used to treat work surfaces as well as workers (i.e., washing hands)
Disinfection is the process that involves the elimination of microorganisms through the use of chemical or physical agents. Among the physicists are heat, radiation, drying, etc. Chemical disinfectants are oxidizing substances that are used in solution and can be combined with detergents or some organic substances.
However, endospores and some viruses are very resistant to both physical and chemical disinfection. In endospores, this resistance is due to the fact that the protective layer of the spore is impermeable to any oxidizing agent. In viruses, the cytoplasmic membrane is composed of two layers, a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic zone, this influences the resistance to disinfectants.