A)by providing water for irrigation and restoring trees to areas where forests once existed
Spirit and Opportunity were sent to Mars to find more clues about the history of water there and see if the Red Planet could ever have supported life.
Both rovers measured the type and abundance of iron-bearing minerals, some of which are associated with water-driven processes. In this way, Opportunity found the mineral jarosite and Spirit found the mineral goethite. The rovers measured chemical elements, some of which are needed for life, in rocks and soils.
With data from the rovers, mission scientists have reconstructed an ancient past when Mars was awash in water. Spirit and Opportunity found evidence for past wet conditions that could have supported microbial life.
Spirit and Opportunity were sent to Mars to find more clues about the history of water there and see if the Red Planet could ever have supported life. To do this, scientists sent the two rovers to two different landing sites. The rovers landed on opposite sides of the planet.
The magnitude tells you how much damage has been caused by the earthquake, while the intensity tells you how much energy was released by the earthquake.
The answer is option B.
Magnitude is a measure of earthquake size and stays unchanged with distance from the earthquake. Depth, but, describes the degree of shaking caused by an earthquake at a given area and decreases with distance from the earthquake epicenter.
The severity of an earthquake may be expressed in terms of each depth and value.
Magnitude measures the strength released on the supply of the earthquake. Magnitude is determined from measurements on seismographs. Intensity measures the energy of shaking produced by means of an earthquake in a certain area. intensity is determined from outcomes on human beings, human systems, and the natural surroundings.
Learn more about an earthquake here: brainly.com/question/248561
Land reform (also agrarian reform, though that can have a broader meaning) involves the changing of laws, regulations or customs regarding land ownership.[1] Land reform may consist of a government-initiated or government-backed property redistribution, generally of agricultural land. Land reform can, therefore, refer to transfer of ownership from the more powerful to the less powerful, such as from a relatively small number of wealthy (or noble) owners with extensive land holdings (e.g., plantations, large ranches, or agribusiness plots) to individual ownership by those who work the land.[2] Such transfers of ownership may be with or without compensation; compensation may vary from token amounts to the full value of the land.[3]
Land reform may also entail the transfer of land from individual ownership—even peasant ownership in smallholdings—to government-owned collective farms; it has also, in other times and places, referred to the exact opposite: division of government-owned collective farms into smallholdings.
Adaptation is adjusting to your environment and adapting is connecting adjusting to a daily lifestyle like your morning routine.