D) Urethra is the correct answer
The answer is cancer.
Cancer is an uncontrolled division of cells. The regulation of cell cycle is necessary for normal cell division. The first phase of the cell cycle is the G1 phase. If the G1 phase is affected, mistakes in this process lead to the uncontrolled division of cells called cancer.
The correct sequence is:
a) Antibiotics: These antimicrobial drugs used to treat and prevent bacterial infections.
b) Antibiotic resistance: This sort of resistance occurs when bacteria are fully developed into the body and are able to defeat the drugs which designed to kill them. When certain bacteria become resistant, the antibiotics are unable to fight them, and hence they increase and affect the body.
c) Binary fission: Binary fission is a sort of asexual reproduction in prokaryotes such as bacteria. It is found in unicellular eukaryotes like Amoeba and Paramecium.
d) Conjugation: It is the transfer of genetic material between bacterial cells by the direct or bridge-like connection between cells.
e) Mutations: is a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence resulting in a gene, such that the sequence differs from the sequence found in human beings.
f) DNA replication: is the biological process that occurs in all living organisms to produce two identical replicas of DNA from a DNA molecule.
g) Genetic recombination: During this process, offspring are produced with the combinations of traits that are different from the traits found in either parent.
h) Genetic variation: It’s the variation in the DNA sequence in each of human genomes, making every human being unique in terms of hair color, skin color or the shape of their faces.<span>
Non-engineered/owner-build structures are more vulnerable because they can be poorly built. Without proper knowledge to build the right structure, the structure is more at risk of abnormalities or destruction from hazards such as rain, hail, strong winds, and debris.