The development of modernism industrial societies and the rapid growth of cities followed by the horror of world War I
Nine Gold Medals tells us that helping out others in need is more glorious than winning a mere race. The athletes reminded us that the world now needs more cooperation and collaboration than competition. Developing the feeling of brotherhood among all the people is important for the good of humankind.
The poem the cold within teaches how in today's generation prejudices, malice, biases, discrimination, and racism can destroy human beings and eventually the world. Therefore the title was given to show that the group lacked the "warmth of humanity" in them and hence they died from "The Cold Within".
The story probably takes place in Italy during the 18th or 19th century.
Without question, you should avoid sentence fragments in formal situations and academic writing. That said, a fragment within a clear context can sometimes serve a valid dramatic purpose. Journalists, bloggers, and fiction writers often use them.
A immediately relating supportive details and information to the audience