Catlin was the first artist to record the Plains Indians in their own territories.
The American craftsman George Catlin got intrigued with Indians in the mid 1800s and voyaged broadly all through North America so he could record them on canvas. In his compositions and works, Catlin depicted Indian life in incredible detail.
It means it's a 3 beat rest not matter what. You always have to pay attention to the time signature.
Unity is when all the elements in a work look as though they belong together. Pattern is a two-dimensional, decorative visual repetition. It uses the art elements in planned repetitions or random repetitions to enhance surfaces of paintings, drawings or even sculptures.
i have seen that when there is an arugument we often forget self control and conflict resulution but everytime we get a speech project we are all really good at staying in a good amount of time showing we know our time managment when we talk to mr burns about assignments i feel like we use really great communication skills so overall we mainly need to work on our self controll and conflict resuliotion
sorry for bad spelling and gramer oo