July 9, 2015
It was released on macOS on July 9, 2015, and on Microsoft Windows on September 22, 2015, for Office 365 subscribers. Mainstream support ended on October 13, 2020, and extended support for most editions of Office 2016 will end on October 14, 2025, the same day as Windows 10.
A) The law requires that when I get to an intersection, I have to allow a right-of-way to the vehicles approaching from the right.
B) if there is an officer directing traffic, then I have to follow the directives of the officer.
Related factors
Related factors are those factors "that appear to show some type of patterned relationship with a nursing diagnosis". For example, there are some factors that may increase the vulnerability of an unhealthy event in a person or group. These factors may be psychological, physiological, or chemical factors. Hence these factors are considered related factors if they have any relationship with a particular disease or nursing diagnosis.
a. that is may become the signal