A paragraph can be defined as a formatting technique used typically for separating the main ideas of an essay into a sets of logical units, in order to enhance or facilitate a reader's ability to follow a writer’s argument.
In English language and writing, paragraphs are primarily used in breaking an essay’s main ideas into manageable but logical units. Therefore, each paragraph contained in an essay or writeups focuses on just an idea from the main idea and illustrates logical, coherent and succinct sentences to enhance the idea. Also, all paragraphs should start on a new line in the essay.
A comparison paragraph discusses the similarities between two topics.
This ultimately implies that, a comparison paragraph is used to compare two things by discussing how they are alike or similar.
For example, a cat and a dog both have four legs, two eyes, a tail, and they serve as pets to humans.
Clear rendering reads;
With the interference of factors such as the economy, politics, social and environmental issues and technology, the manager needs to evaluate the scenario to establish strategies. In this sense, the manager must perform the ________________, which is the ___________________ of the four administrative functions. This function, evaluates the scenario, makes a diagnosis and helps the manager to establish goals to decide the best way to reach them. The words that correctly fill the gap are:
Planning function, first
Remember, the four main administrative functions of a manger are:
- Planning
- Organizing
- Directing
- Controling
So in this situation we would expect the manager to first plan strategies in advance that would enable the company strife through the environmental issues that may affect it.
It helps in understanding which crop should be cultivated on a particular land.
It also helps in gaining information about how agriculture can be done in poorer soils.
It gives information about the nutrient quality of the soil.
This avoids wastage of capital on the cultivation of unsuitable crops.
It also helps in controlling pests and insects.
Lingwa de planeta in arabic.
Mabey you mean how did it get the name? well answer Christofer Columbus