Erosion is a natural process, though it is often increased by humans' use of the land. Deforestation, overgrazing, construction, and road building often expose soil and sediments and lead to increased erosion. Excessive erosion leads to loss of soil, ecosystem damage, and a buildup of sediments in water sources.
The benefits of being different are you can be your true you, also it can help you increase self-esteem. The cost of being different is people have to understand you act differently from others. People may not be your friend because you stick out from the rest. Hope this helps! :) Sorry if this wasn't the answer you was looking for.
<h2>As I was saying, I hope this helps!</h2>
A) The political institution Dickinson wants to maintain is the English monarchy. He provides a series of reasons in favor of the status quo and against the Revolution. For him, this institution has given the colonists freedom and he believes that establishing a Republic will result in "licentious anarchy and popular tyranny".
B) The English monarchy served as a guide for the colonists "directing them ... to the same object, which is self preservation and happiness". This institution, according to Dickinson, maintained union in the colonies and gave the people freedom. The monarchy "only sustains and governs".
C) Representative democracy is a system in which elected officials represent groups of the population in the government. In the passage, he mentions the Parliament and how it represents the "variety of opinions and diversity of interests", which is what a representative democracy should do. Unfortunately, though, the colonists did not have a direct representative in the Parliament.