Answer: elizibeth showed alot of pride and darcy showed prejuduce which is in the tittle
what and why the technology has bad effects on people it causes memory loss the phones and stuff
I dont know im really sorry about that. Really sorry.
<h2>The Giver Chapter 18</h2>
<h3>The next day, Jonas asks The Giver about release. The Giver tells him that sometimes his pain makes him want to apply for a release, but he is not allowed to do it until Jonas is trained. ... Upon Jonas's pleading, The Giver relents and tells him the story about the failed Receiver.</h3>
<h3>The Giver explains that after eating dinner, they will together make a plan. There are memories of times when things were different and people had feelings like pride, sorrow, and love. Jonas has helped him realize that memories should be shared.</h3>