This is only my opinion but:
Yes, because in war it is important that a government's citizens believe in the war they are fighting for. otherwise, soldier's morale may decrease due to losing the war or comrades committing atrocities which is unfortunately almost inevitable in all wars. But at the same time, it is important that a government not lie to their population and continue with a war that is unjust.
At the end of the Second World War, the Allied side, which was formed mainly by the powers of the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and France, divided itself in ideological terms into two distinct camps, led by the United States and the Soviet Union, respectively. Thus, the side led by the United States, called the Western bloc, advocated the imposition of a democratic and capitalist system throughout the planet with a fundamental respect for the individual freedoms of citizens, both in social and economic terms. On the other hand, the Soviet Union came to lead in the eastern bloc, with clearly communist ideas, which promoted the creation of an authoritarian system in which the government would centralize economic, political, civil and social decisions both at a general level as well as in the particular scope of each one of the citizens.
In this way, these two antagonistic views of the world began to collide, since both powers sought to expand their spheres of influence through the imposition of their system in other countries. This situation, motivated by the power struggle between both powers, gave rise to the Cold War.
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Answer and Explanation:
Slavery in the United States was a paradox because it was stated in the constitution that all men are created equal, yet the same document contradicted it and there were laws such as the Virginia law passed in October 1705, stating that if a master was to kill a slave who was undergoing “correction,” it would not be considered a crime.
The Back-to-Africa Movement: also known as black Zionism or colonization movement was the the view that Americans of African ancestry should return to Africa. It failed woefully as most black Americans did not want to return to Africa. This is most likely because they didn't know the homelands of their ancestors and were not sure where to begin(afraid of starting afresh) or what the "strange land" of Africa held for them.
the Missouri compromise tried to achieve a balance of power between slave states and free states in Congress. It made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state
The North was becoming more urban and industrial as there was the increase in population with new immigrants. The South started to lose its power in Congress.
John C. Calhoun was a South Carolina senator and was known to utilize the argument of states' rights to protect slavery in the Nullification Crisis of 1832-1833.
States' rights in American refers to the political powers that reserved only/exclusive to the U.S. state governments rather than the federal government as defined by the United States Constitution.
Secession: this is the act of withdrawing from a country or territory or state to form another government(country or territory). Advocates of secession are known as disunionists.
To avoid dissolution of the Union by appeasing both sides on the slavery issue. This is because the threat of dissolution was mainly founded on outstanding slavery issues and tension that would eventually bring about the civil war.
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