The Greeks wore light clothes to protect them from the heat. It is known from their vase paintings.
- As the region of the Greeks, habitation was very hot for most of the year. Their garment comprises two main parts they are said to be the Tunic and Cloak.
- Most of the clothes of the Greeks are made up of the woolen fabric.
- The tunic is said to be the chiton or peplon which are used to wear at the bottom.
- The cloak is considered to be a type of himation or chlamys which is used to wear on the top.
The correct answer is D.
An<em> ethical dilemma</em> (paradox) is a decision making problem where the decision is based on moral values or beliefs of the people involved in making this decision. Examples of ethical dilemma are : abortion, putting the elderly in nursing homes, obligatory military service or stealing money to feed a hungry child. Such dilemmas do not have a simple, one way solution because there are always pro and contra arguments for each outcome.
The first step in solving ethical dilemma is to <em>identify the problems</em> and to make sure they are genuine and based on real facts. All given information must be verified and not based on rumors and gossip. It is important to establish if there is a real conflict of values/issues that is to be discussed.
Internet Addiction Disorder
The biggest negative impact of Internet is the ‘Internet Addiction Disorder’. Well, since the researches about this Internet disease are still going on, so it is hard to define it at this time. The person suffering from this disease behaves in the way as he/she is always on the Internet, even when there is no Internet. This Internet disease has been found mostly among the young adults. Recent surveys conducted in America estimated that around 10-15 million people are there who are suffering from Internet Addiction Disorder. The count is indeed very big and is increasing every year.
Reduced Physical Activity
Gone are the days when children used to play outdoor games. Now they prefer to play games online which do not involve any physical activity. Due to addiction of Internet, many people are doing less physical activities. This is one big reason why obesity is common to find nowadays. Continuous use of Internet is bad for our eyesight as well.
Well, the negative impacts of Internet do not mean that one should stop using it. The positive points are more than the negative ones. How one person uses Internet depends completely on him/her. No one is forced to use Internet in any particular way. You must try to use it for good purposes only; otherwise, Internet is the biggest curse for you by modern technological world.
The first two English women arrived at Jamestown in 1608, and more came in subsequent years. Men outnumbered women, however, for most of the 17th century.Captain John Smith<span> became the colony's leader in September 1608 – the fourth in a succession of council presidents – and established a “no work, no food” policy.</span>