The Taj Mahal is a tomb. An Indian emperor called Shah Jahan built it more than 300 years ago for his favorite wife when she died. It's designs and decorations strongly reflect Persian influences.
That they are wrong because we can’t buy away our sins
A team of engineers including Henry Martyn Robert (Robert's Rules of Order) designed a plan to raise much of the existing city to a sufficient elevation behind a seawall so that confidence in the city could be maintained
The french became upset when English colonists began settling in the Ohio River Valley. In 1753 the French in Canada began building forts in the Valley. The French wanted to protect the land from the British. This resulted in the British attacking in self defense. They thought of it as the zfrench preparing to attack. This became known as the French and Indian War in the colonies. Both sides British and French were accompanied by Indian allies
During the 2008 presidential campaign, the two leading candidates for the Democratic nomination were "an African American man and a former first lady" The former being Obama and the latter being Clinton.