Islamic beliefs have a monotheistic message. There are six main beliefs in Islam:
Belief in Allah as the one and only God.
Belief in angels.
Belief in the holy books.
Belief in the Prophets
Belief in the Day of Judgement
Belief in Predestination
It's been a while but I believe it's C. Supply and Demand would fluctuate the prices.
If the case is for a felony charge, the grand jury usually decides....At this point, the person is accused for committing the crime then the accused person becomes a defendant officially charged with a crime.
Here was no profit in it for most northerners and it would provide a way for wage slaves to find opportunities somewhere besides in the north.
They wanted cheap labor and the west would slim the pickings provided by desparation and poverty .
Life in West Germany was a lot better than the life in East Germany.
One of the major differences was the freedom: of opinion, speech and press. Eastern Germans were spied on by the state (especially by the Stasi police) and one never knew whom one could trust; often family members were recruited to spy on their relatives, and houses were bugged. Also the punishment for any sign of favoring the west over east was severe, and there were cases of forced labour and even torture.
Additionally, Western Germany was richer and had access to many goods that the East didn't, most specifically western goods.
Also, the East Germans didn't really emigrate; they weren't allowed to. They had to escape and the pushiment for being caught escaping was also high (from loss of work opportunities forever to imprisonment)
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