<span>7 October 1879 as part of </span>Bismarck<span>'s system of alliances to prevent or limit war </span><span>Austria Hungary and Germany joined the triple alliance in order to protect each other from the neighboring country Russia </span>
Describe how the Romans influenced the government.
The members of the community can apply for release. Which is a euphemism for death by lethal injection.
Conscientiousness: The term conscientiousness is one of the personality traits in the Big Five personality trait model or theory. The personality trait is characterized by being diligent or careful. A conscientious person desires to perform well on a specific task, obligations to another person seriously, most organized, and efficient. A conscientious person is considered to be as dependable, hardly misses out anything be it an appointment or something else, hard worker, and honest
An individual who is high on conscientiousness is considered to be as reliable, perfectionist, and responsible.
As in the question above, Bernard lived a long life as compared to his siblings because he was high on conscientiousness and he has done everything perfectly and on time.
SOCIAL LOAFING is the condition that often develops in large groups when tasks are neglected, because it is impossible for any one person to receive credit (or blame).
Individuals in a group exert less effort in accomplishings tasks compared to when they work alone.