C is the correct answer.
Many of Europe's most famous Universities started as Church schools. Monasteries were the centers of learning in the Middle Ages and the repositories of books and knowledges. Monks worked to copy books before printing presses and young scholars learned theology.
The Britishers were instrumental in introducing Western culture, education and scientific techniques. Through those means, they gave traditional Indian life a jolt and galvanized the life and culture of its people. Undoubtedly, the Seventeenth Century marked the zenith of Indian medieval glory.
During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church exerted enormous power over Europe. The Church influenced governments, waged wars and levied taxes. Although some actions, such as the Medieval Inquisition, are controversial today, the Catholic Church also established universities and hospitals, instigated positive social change and paved the way for economic growth.
Radical republicans are a faction of republicans who mostly favored repressive measures and aggressive towards the southern states during the civil war. They were mostly contradicted by the moderate and conservative republicans.
They are the faction of politicians who undertook aggressive and harsh measures against the southern states during the civil war. they believed that the confederate leaders were responsible for instigating the civil war and intended the confederate leaders to be punished. they also need the emancipation of the slaves and to make republic party in power in both north and south.
Radical republicans were against the principles of emancipation declaration by Abraham Lincoln which was too lenient towards the south. This was in fact became the cause of the assassination of Lincoln. He was