Because of this, if Bernard can bring John back to England, he can discredit the Director. Once the Director gets fired, Bernard will be safe. That is why he is so excited to hear the answers -- the answers make clear that the Director is John's father.
hope that helped <3
1. The country mouse invited the city mouse to come see him at his country home. The city mouse was appalled at the simplicity of the country mouse's life and insisted that he come to stay with him in the city. When the country mouse got to the city, he was amazed at the luxury of the city mouse's home, but quickly learned that it was a dangerous place to be.
2.When the country mouse invites the city mouse to his home, this shows how simple the country mouse lives. The fact that the city mouse is appalled by the country mouse's lifestyle shows that he must live a luxurious life that the country mouse is missing out on. When the mice go to the city, the country mouse learns that although it is luxurious it's not worth the danger.
3.A simple and peaceful life is preferable to a luxurious and dangerous one.
The verb 'have' can be used as an auxiliary verb when making the present perfect tense.
To make the present perfect: has or have + the past participle.