I'd say D because it says "if they ever should use it in earnest against each other, it will surely split." Government only has as much power as the people let it have
It was one of his last words.
"On Individuality" is chapter 3 in J. S. Mill's book "On Liberty". In it, Mill discusses - even though he does not define - individuality and how happiness and achievement of superior pleasures come from it. Conformity to customs could cost a person's joy in living and his/her freedom of thought.
Individuality is directly connected to liberal democracy in the sense that such form of government allows for it to be practiced. Both ideas walk hand in hand. If a person seeks individuality, he/she is striving to think and believe whatever he/she chooses right and proper, or even most profitable. Other forms of government - such as monarchy or aristocracy -, tend to limit or, on occasion, even erase the possibility of self-expression.
It is Mill's opinion that participation in a democracy cultivates the character of the citizens. And cultivation of character is a possible definition of the word individuality. Individuality is achieved when a person is able to see him/herself respected, his/her ideas heard, even if not accepted. The necessary freedom for a person to do that - to think, talk and act on his/her own terms - comes with democracy.
Plagarism means passing someone's idea as it is yours. Many people do plagarism to earn good stuff. For example. In brainly users copy answer of other users which gives them a ban from brainly...
Hope this helps.....
- Because of fear of it has been eliminated from the world and is a good thing.
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